Begin the Declaration of Independence Challenge

The Declaration of Independence Challenge is short, simple and commonsense:

Read or listen to the entire Declaration of Independence before you quote from it again. Before you hold up a sign with the words “endowed by our Creator” or mention “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” or passionately call upon the names of our Founding Fathers, read the words of this groundbreaking historical document.

If you haven’t read all of it, how can you really know what you’re talking about yet? But — here’s your chance to change that forever in just 11 minutes.

Stop skipping and start doing. Make the effort to join a fair conversation by listening to or reading the Declaration first.

Declaration of Independence Audio – Listen & Download

Declaration of Independence Audiobook Recording

Listen below or easily download this audio reading of the Declaration of Independence by clicking the arrow on the Pilgrimage SoundCloud file.

Significance of Reading the Declaration of Independence

If we want to discuss the Declaration of Independence, the Bible or another significant text, we must read the document first. Until we do, sorry, but we’ve ignored something very big. Don’t be that person who goes to the book club and talks about the book, but has never actually read the book!

That happens a lot with the Declaration of Independence (which some mistake for the Constitution of the United States – different document). If it’s something you talk about, if it’s something you consider sacred, then here’s a thought — for the love of Thomas Jefferson — read it first to confirm those sentiments.

Declaration of Independence Audio - Pilgrimage
Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

Earn Your Opinion: Read the Declaration Before Talking About It

OK, now here’s your chance – actually read or listen to the Declaration of Independence! Spend 11 minutes and literally change your mind forever by adding new information to it. It’s super unfair to everyone else who has made the effort to read and understand this document.

Also — it’s super easy to do, so there’s really not an excuse for anyone who wishes to share a strong opinion about something. Don’t guess what it says, know by reading or listening for yourself.

Enjoy the Declaration of Independence — It’s pretty eye-opening to hear all that made it in there!

Audio read by: Jeremy Kocal

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