America: Where There’s Never a Boast or Brag?

Declaration of Independence - Audio Recording - Pilgrimage

Russian foreign affairs leader, Alexey Pushkovy, has chided what he calls “American exceptionalism,” the notion that Americans present themselves as the greatest nation on the planet.  “It contradicts the principles of equal rights and smells of political racism,” says the member of Russia’s lower House of Parliament. 

OK, I’ve taken the bait — Are we, as Americans, the greatest?  A line from one of our beloved American patriotic hymns, George M. Cohan’s You’re a Grand Old Flag, may guide how we answer: “Every heart beats true under red, white and blue, where there’s never a boast or brag.”  Never a boast or brag?  I’d love to aspire to greatness in America that does not boast or brag about our own grandeur, and certainly does not belittle other nations. 

It reminds me of the man who was given a shiny medal for his humility.  When he proudly hung the medal around his neck for all to see, they took it away from him.  Self-proclamations of greatness, at the exclusion of others, seem to suggest, well, “American exceptionalism.”  

A humble celebration of our successes and a willingness to listen and learn from the diverse experience of our global neighbors: now that sounds exceptional America.

Pilgrimage Listening Challenge: Declaration of Independence Audio

We preach about things before we’ve read them. It’s so common with sacred texts. But to truly participate in a fair discussion, do your part and read (or listen) to the materials before you
present your viewpoint on it. Come on, that’s pretty basic right? Don’t skip that. Do the work and earn your place in a conversation.

The Pilgrimage Challenge:
Visit the Declaration of Independence audio page or click the link below to accept the Pilgrimage challenge and end the folly of preaching without reading first.


  1. I, for one, am tired of the “American Exceptionalism” nonsense. I find it difficult to believe that any group of people are “chosen” by some supernatural being to be intrinsically better than any other group. Choices we make may be exceptional. Some policies work out better than others as do some methods of governing masses of people. People, however, are neither inherently good or bad and a just “God” would not be concerned about a person’s national affiliation any more than that person’s religion. Blanket beliefs in one’s exceptional birthright leads not only to arrogance but to distancing and depersonalizing those outside of our tent. This division is evidence of a small mind, a polarizing feature of childlike thinking dividing things into black or white. America is only exceptional when it acts exceptionally. Otherwise, we are no better than an average country. Patriotism has a dark side and we should always be aware of it.


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